There are different ways of playing chess. Some aren’t even considered to be the same as chess by some players. That same thing can be said about bullet chess.
Due to the high importance of the clock, different playing styles, and the deemed ‘weird’ ways of winning or losing in it, some players consider it not to be even the same game as chess.
How To Get Better At Bullet Chess
If you’ve ever seen a chess game in which players are moving fast and tapping the clock pretty much every second, then you’ve witnessed fast chess. Bullet chess is simply the fastest possible modality of the sport, with an under-3-minute time window.
That surely causes the game to become more ‘dynamic’ on one hand. On the other hand, due to the speed players need to have, tactics are normally left aside.
That is the main reason why some players don’t consider it to be real chess. However, Hikaru Nakamura, the best speed chess player in history, says otherwise.
Learn From Hikaru Nakamura
Nakamura currently holds the 5th position in the world ranking of chess, which means not many players can say he is only good at bullet chess. Hikaru is the player to observe if you’re seeking to further develop your skills in bullet chess.
1. According to Nakamura, the first lesson of bullet chess is to trust your intuition rather than try to use the little time you have to countermove.
2. Secondly, an opening that you are used to can help you bank your clock and cause the opponent to lose more time than expected. That may come in handy towards the end of the match when the clock is close to striking zero.
4. Thirdly, the clock is both your worst opponent and your biggest ally.
That is because if you lose key pieces in the early stages of the game or most of your relevant material and there is still a minute or so to go, you may find yourself facing a more dramatic ending than you first thought.
Most bullet chess matches end with 0.3~0.5 seconds left on the clock. In those situations, one of the best things you can do is move your pieces back and forth until the clock runs out.
However, that may be not only dirty but also risky. Moving back and forth is predictable and may allow your opponent to bring the game to a checkmate.
5. Lastly, if you find yourself without a clear strategy at any point in the game, simply pre-move and try to come out with a threatening combo afterward.
That should give you a little time and cause your opponent to go to a more careful position, as you may be starting a combination of moves that leads to a serious threat.
Our Verdict
Bullet chess is about thinking and reacting quickly while attempting to cause the greatest possible damage to your opponent’s material. Watching the best players in action should also be a good way to learn some new moves.