Even though it is the first trap learned by so many players, Noah’s Ark never falls into disuse. While there are beginners, the trap should keep on going.
So, if you’re facing a beginner, keep an eye out for a possible Noah’s Ark trap so you can anticipate and turn the threat around to your own advantage.
On the other hand, if you are the less experienced player on the board, try to mind your opponent’s move as your trap may be discovered early on the opening and a more experienced player might be able to turn the game around.
Noah’s Ark Trap In Chess
Despite being one of the most famous traps, the reason behind the name Noah’s Ark remains unknown.
Some say that it is due to the shape the black pawns take with the a6, b5, and c4 formation, which might resemble the shape of an ark, and what other ark has ever been as famous as Noah’s?
However simple, the Noah’s Ark trap constitutes a highly effective combo that delivers an opening setup that can lead to a significant material advantage.
As the king’s pawns are moved to e4 and e5 the knights move to Nf3 and Nc6. When white moves Bb5 and thus threatens the knight, the rook pawn moves to a6, building up the Ruy Lopez opening.
This opening gives room to a series of traps, so don’t worry about your opponent figuring out your next moves at this moment.
Keep Practicing With The Noah’s Ark Trap
Should your opponent believe they figured out your next moves, the outcome should be disastrous for them. So, keep on going with your Noah’s Ark trap.
After the Ruy Lopez’s opening is formed, the white bishop should move to a4, to which you reply with your pawn to d6, which should be mirrored by white.
Move your pawn to b5 and see the bishop taking a defensive stance moving to b3. Take the queen’s pawn and lead the white knight into taking your pawn, which you will then capture with your knight.
As the queen comes forward and takes the black knight, move your pawn to c5. Once the white queen moves to d5 and forks the pawn in f7 and the farther rook, move your bishop to e6 to protect your stance.
The queen should continue attacking and move to c6 to check the king, so move your bishop back to d7 to keep the king safe once again.
The white queen will have to move back to d5, so forward your pawn to c4 to trap and capture the white bishop in the next move. Should white choose to protect the bishop using the queen, the sacrifice should be even bigger.
As you can see, the Noah’s Ark trap is meant to capture a bishop with a few moves but, as the queen even checks the king during the trap, your opponent’s mind should turn to a mate and leave the bishop open for the taking.