There are various ways of playing chess. Some aren’t even recognized by most players due to the lack of the most common features observed in more traditional matches and tournaments.
Street chess, for one, differs from the official competitions in a few aspects, but those who play the first have no difficulty in saying that, despite the differences, it’s still the same sport.
Now, with all the variations, it may become quite the task to be seen as a good player. Actually, what is it that makes one a good player?
What Makes A Great Chess Player?
Most renowned sources related to chess point out that every good player has seven aspects in which they have to become better than the average player.
Becoming good at strategy, ability, visualization, endgames, evaluation, openings, and tactics is what should lead players to the top positions in rankings.
Surely, holding high ratings is a clear indicator of one’s abilities, but how do players become great?
Study Broadly
Through playing, studying, and playing and studying some more. And by studying, we don’t mean just diving into books, forums, and articles but also taking the opportunity to learn from opponents.
It is true that most players only get to face very strong opponents once they reach a certain level. Due to that fact, most beginners tend to focus on studying from more academic sources.
Apply In Action
On the other hand, there are those who learn to play simply by playing. If you’ve ever been to a park or square with chess tables, you probably met a hustler.
These guys are normally above average, but they excel in qualities that are normally frowned upon or forbidden in official events. Does that make them bad players, though?
Be Self-Critical
Most Grandmasters will say that the most important quality a great chess player must develop and exercise is to be self-critical. That is because, with every match, chess players can learn from their opponents’ tactics, strategies, reactions, and much more.
Being able to judge your own skills rationally is indeed a magnificent feature, as it allows you to position yourself against your opponents in a concise and realistic manner.
Consequently, you will have a better understanding of the skills you should focus on at each stage of your development as a player.
Start Young
Another important feature that most of the great players should mention is the starting age. All of the greatest players nowadays started playing when they were 4 or 5 years old, which means they grew up in front of chess tables.
Of course, they became the greatest not only because they knew so many openings by heart but also because they could design variations for them as the matches happened.
In the end, every great player has a huge knowledge of all aspects of the game, but that is not enough to reach the top positions. Apart from extensive knowledge, a great chess player also needs a lot of talent to stand out in the competition.