Keyword Query: Chess Rules Get Pawn To Back Row Get Any Piece
Interpretation: The Rule you’re talking about is to do with Pawn Promotion, which happens, as your query stated, when you get a Pawn to your opponent’s Back Row (Rank).
As Pawns can only advance – no retreat, no surrender – there once stood a problem about what to do with a Pawn, if it managed to reach the enemy’s Back Rank (where the enemy King start each game).
The solution was to give the Pawn a special power, upon reaching the enemy’s Back Rank, to return to the Chessboard as any ONE of the more-powerful Pieces …
- Knight
- Bishop
- Rook
- Queen
You may be wondering: “why bother with the other three, when you can swap a Pawn for the might of a Queen? “.
The answer lies in Underpromotion and is something you MUST consider, before selecting your Promoted Piece. To learn more about this tactic, follow the Recommended Link, below, to the Chess Glossary Article:
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