Keyword Query: Chess Checkmate Strategy
Interpretation: You’re after a reliable Chess Strategy for Checkmating the enemy King.
I think, from my perspective as a beginner, I found the easiest type of Checkmate Strategy to remember was where a couple of your Pieces ‘gang up’ on the enemy King to, effectively, ‘shepherd’ him to one of the edges of the board, for a fairly efficient Checkmate.
I call this the Shepherding Strategy, for want of a better term.
Rooks and Queens tend to work best … Naturally, 2 Queens, because of their additional diagonal movability, will get the job done more efficiently than 2 Rooks.
However, a combination of Rook and a Queen, or 2 Rooks, are good enough to see this Strategy through to victory.
For more on this Strategy, see the following Link …
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