The “Flanks” are the outer trio of Files on both the Kingside and Queenside of the Board, respectively.
On the Queenside, the three Flanks include all the squares up the:
- a-file (a1–a8);
- b-file (b1–b8);
- c-file (c1–c8).
On the Kingside, the three Flanks include all the squares up the:
- f-file (f1–f8);
- g-file (g1–g8);
- h-file (h1–h8).
Chess Board Zones
Some players will begin a game by trying to control the Center from the Flanks; allowing their opponent to attempt direct control of the Center.
If your opponent grabs a controlling advantage in the Center, it may be that you’re forced to play along the Flanks …
Your Development will be compromised; it’ll take an extra move or two to get into a striking position, by which time your opponent can reinforce his defenses.
Playing on the Flanks isn’t all worthless, mind …
There will come a point when it’s possible to attack your opponent from the Flanks, such as with a Rook, supported by your Queen.
Anyway, that’s enough for now — there’ll be plenty of time to learn different Tactics and Strategies, as you build on your learning, from our Beginner’s Chess Guide.