Beginners Chess Guide : Section 3
Section 3 deals with some additional topics and articles that a beginner should know.
Advantage Detection
As you play your Games of Chess, you need to know whether your Moves and Captures, Tactics and Strategies are working in your favor.
This page contains a selection of methods that’ll help you determine who has the Advantage, in a Game. More
Error Management
If you’re going to go to the trouble of learning how to gain an Advantage, it makes sense to learn how to spot potential, niggling mistakes, so you don’t suddenly throw that advantage away!
This Error Management guide contains a compilation of Errors for you to be aware of and ways to manage these potential, proverbial “banana skins” … More
Additional Terminology
This little collection includes additional chess game terminology.
Attacking terminology: Attack; Berserker; Breakthrough; Counterplay; Force; Initiative; Support Point; and Weakness.
Defensive terminology: Blockade; Blocking; Castling; Defence Openings; Support Point; X-Ray Attack (Definition 3).