If you’ve finally worked your way through the contents of the Beginner’s Chess Guide, this Advanced Beginner’s Chess Guide is ready and waiting to take your knowledge up another level.
Advanced Beginners Chess Guide : Section 1
Section 1 begins with a detailed introduction about how this Advanced guide came about (it was a bit too long to go onto this page, so it’s got a section of its own).
Then, I introduce the core reading-material behind the Advanced Beginner’s guides (Point Count Chess); and, finally, the Advanced Guides themselves, containing a detailed look at various Advantages & Disadvantages to be aware of, during your games of chess.
Here, you can read Ken Wilsdon’s first email, which was the catalyst for all that’s followed since.
This is important as it gives you some background info, for what you’ll get to read in the Advanced Beginner’s Chess Guide.
This introductory article also contains a further series of emails, between Ken and myself, which further build up to the main part of the Advanced Beginner’s guide (see Advantages & Disadvantages, to the right »)
Point Count Chess
Point Count Chess (PCC) was a 1950s-1960s publication, devised by Israel Albert Horowitz and Geoffrey Mott-Smith and has been hailed by some as one of the best books ever published, that deals with Chess Strategy.
This article contains reviews, both positive and negative about PCC, found on Amazon.com.
Finally, for what it’s worth, I give my opinion and reasons for making PCC the foundations of the Advanced Beginner’s Chess Guide.
Advantages & Disadvantages
This is the MAIN PART of the Advanced Beginner’s guide, which consists of two groups of links (Advantages and Disadvantages), below, contains the refined goodness from my discussions, with Ken Wilsdon, about H&M-S’s principles of strategy, found in Point Count Chess (PCC).
They’re laid out in the same way, as they were in the Positional Point Count Table*, found on page 8 of PCC.
* albeit with the addition of Two Against One In The Center, which H&M-S do mention as a countable advantage, but for some reason they don’t list in in their Table.